 More is Caught 
              Than Taught

More Is Caught Than Taught (MCCT) is a holistic approach for increasing the quality of care and developmental experiences provided children, especially poor and minority children. MCTT addresses the need to engage the latent energies of parents, teachers, administrators and community members and focus this energy on the challenge of acquiring more knowledge, skills, and assuming greater responsibility for the care, protection and development of young children.

More Is Caught Than Taught was developed for and with individuals who are parents, caregivers, and community leaders expressly concerned with the care and development of young children. However, the rationale, strategies, approaches and tools of MCTT evolved over many years a Focal worked with a broad varity of groups and organizations through out the nation. philosophy, and approaches of MCTT came first and the Guide was the result of applying those principles, philosophy, and approaches to child development.


A. Jack Guilebeaux brings to this project a wide range of experiences which began in the civil rights era with sit-ins and organizing aimed at desegregating public facilities in his home town of Asheville, North Carolina. His passion for empowering oppressed peoples and his exceptional skills for facilitating the work of groups led him to study and work in this field for more than 40 years. In addition to working in the United States, Jack has trained groups with outstanding success in Australia, Europe and Israel in organizations ranging form industry, local and federal government to primary and secondary education and community-based organizations ranging from industry, local and federal government to primary and secondary education and community-based organizations. He is Deputy Director of the Federation of child Care Centers of Alabama and President of Connectors Inc. Examples of organizations which have benefited from Jack's expertise include the Nashville Tennessee metropolitan Police Department, Innisfree Hotels Inc., U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Procter and Gamble,The Foundation for the Mid-south, Leadership Montgomery, Play-Train(Birmingham England), the Family Action Centre (New South Wales, Australia) and the Baha'i World Center (Haifa Israel). Jack's unique life circumstances have supplied him with insights which enable him to deal with the complexity of human and organizational relationships with clarity and compassion. for more than 30 years Jack has shared an interracial, inter-cultural marriage with Farzanec Guillebeaux, born in Tehran, Iran. The laws of North Carolina would not their marriage was performed at the Baha'i House of Worship in Wilmette, Illinois.

Returning to the North Carolina they encountered a bomb threat at their wedding reception, reminding them of the coming challenges of raising a mixed-race family during this tumultuous period in the South. Strengthened by the trials of the past Jack Guillebeaux' optimism and can do attitude is a source of inspiration and leadership for communities in Alabama and far beyond.